Ex-boarders can be amongst the most challenging clients for therapists with many clinicians struggling to address their unique needs. This book presents a groundbreaking collection of chapters sharing insights and reflections on clinical work with ex-boarders in different settings and circumstances with the aim establishing a body of knowledge for...

At the dawn of the 21st century British society is still shaped by a private education system devised to gentrify the Victorian middle classes and produce gentlemen to run the Empire. Yet it is not on the political agenda. It is rarely the subject of public debate, and we remain...

In an age when America elected its first black president and the Middle East stirred with popular uprising, Britons were again content to elect the products of their elitist Public Schools. But, their grooming for power aside, does such an education produce excellence – or expertise in self-deception and duplicity?...

A guide to Passionate Relationships when the Honeymoon is over
Order the 10th Anniversary Edition paperback published by Lone Arrow Press, 2012, price £15.00 dispatched by our distributor by email and avoid the big corporates.
This widely acclaimed book was originally published in 2002 by HarperCollins and has been translated into...

A guide to therapeutic work with boarding school survivors
Trauma, Abandonment and Privilege discusses how ex-boarders can be amongst the most challenging clients for therapists; even experienced therapists may unwittingly struggle to skilfully address the needs of this client group. It looks at the effect on adults of being...

In the 21st century we are faced with an array of complex global challenges, from religious fanaticism, mass migration, unfettered corporate power, to inequality, Big Data and climate change. In front of these global threats and tragedies is a common barrier to their solution — it is the spirit that...