Are you under 18 and in need of help or advice?
Please call childline on 0800 1111 and their counsellors will be able to offer the support you need.

Boarding Concern works to raise awareness about the consequences of boarding to the general public and monitors developments in the boarding industry. It aims to keep in touch with ex-boarders, arrange annual conferences and publish regular newsletters. Boarding Concern welcomes ex-boarders who would like follow up support.

Find out more about our work relating to gender, sexuality and relationships, and find out about informed couple therapy by visiting The Centre for Gender Psychology.

Boarding Recovery is an independent group of psychotherapists who have undergone specialised training for working therapeutically with ex-boarders. Face to face meetings, as well as internet sessions, may be arranged.

Boarding School Action is a campaigning activist group dedicated to lobbying legislators, educators and the media on the harmful effects of early boarding. If you would like to support this active work by donating or helping with the campaign please visit their site.

Partners of Ex-Boarders Support Facebook group.
Being the partner of someone sent away to board as a child can be difficult. That's why we offer support - whether it's to throw some light on why your partner behaves as he or she does, doesn't appear to listen or understand how you feel, or what it's like to be you with a partner who has closed down emotionally. Together, we listen, give links, suggest books that may help you understand where your partner is coming from, and give insight into the effects of boarding. This group – run by a psychotherapist with many years experience of boarding issues – is for you to be able to vent and find support.